Saturday, June 9, 2012

Family Trust: UPrepare

Digger Wasp – A Survival Story
"The digger wasp has an amazing way to plan and prepare its young for survival in a dangerous world. When it is ready to lay eggs, it will dig a burrow very carefully so as not to leave any mounds or signs that may attract predators foraging for food. It then goes to hunt for prey such as a caterpillar or a grasshopper.
The insect caught to serve as food for its young is not killed but paralysed and then dragged into the burrow. The digger wasp then deposits a single egg on to the prey. The prey stays alive and fresh until the egg hatches and the larva feeds on it.
Many animals go to great lengths to prepare their young for survival in life. Human beings do too. We, as parents, would be prepared to go to great lengths to make sure our young children are taken care of if we are no longer around.
Taking insurance to protect them is one way. Writing a will is another way. But to ensure that the young are really taken care of, estate administration must be properly done so that there is no risk of wastage or loss from mismanagement of the estate. This involves appointing a specialist executor who is professional, competent, honest, reliable and independent. It also involves agreeing at the start the cost of estate administration so that such does not escalate."

What Is UPrepare?
UPrepare is an Estate Administration Services Package offered by Rockwills Trustee Berhad created to help save estate administration cost for our clients and to assist the family members in completing the tedious distribution process faster.

There are many matters to be settled by your executor before distribution. This include collecting all immovable and movable assets [including bank accounts, vehicles, shares in companies, unit trusts, house etc]; settling the debts of the deceased [including income tax and loans]; and applying for grant of probate and submission of the relevant documents to the High Court; dealing with government authorities and financial institutions.

Appoint us as your executor and subscribe to one of our UPrepare packages i.e. Diamond or Jade today, your family members are saved from all the above inconveniences!

Unique Features Of UPrepare
  • Enjoy perpetual fixed estate administration rates (for UPrepare Diamond) until we complete the estate distribution. This serves as a hedge against inflation and guarantees your estate is not affected by any rates increase;
  • Enjoy preferential rates through our strategic alliances with professionals such as lawyers, tax consultants, fund managers, accountants and property agents;
  • All the benefits of UPrepare are transferable to any person during your lifetime for a transfer fee of RM100 only;
  • Nationwide access to our Professional Estate Planners;
  • Prevent unnecessary delays to distribute the estate to you loved ones;
  • Making the necessary arrangements for legal representation to apply for Grant of Probate;
  • Professional support from experienced and practical professionals within Rockwills Trustee.
UPrepare Types & Benefits
There are two types of UPrepare i.e. UPrepare Diamond and UPrepare Jade. Each provides different benefits:
AreaUPrepare DiamondUPrepare Jade
Executor Appointment Fee(exclude any taxes payable)Waived for Sole Executor or First Substitute Executor appointment**;RM120 is payable for Second or Third Substitute Executor appointments
(** Provided UPrepare is subscribed within 90 days from the date of the will)
Estate Administration Discount15% to 30% discount10% to 20% discount
Period of Fixed Estate Administration RatesPerpetual10 years
Refund of UPrepare Subscription FeeSubscription fee of UPrepare will be refunded when estate administration fee charged for the first year of administration is above RM6,000
Private Trust (inclusive of Testamentary Trusts) Administration Discount (where Trust Fund size is above RM100,000)20%10%
(with a RM100 transfer fee charged)

* Please see our Professional Estate Planners for administration discount rates.

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