Saturday, June 9, 2012

Promotion For Parent Day


A Giving Season For Mother's And Father's Day Special! We send this special offer to who we know and care.
Feel free to forward to someone you love and care too. View it in your browser.

The Giving Season

Today, Wills and Trusts have become more important in protecting and preserving one's assets and loved ones.  A Will can help you to save time, money and hassle.  It is about your right to plan for all your wealth.
  • Most people work hard for their financial well being and have accumulated assets for their loved ones.
  • Most people tend to neglect planning for the distribution of their accumulated assets.
  • Most people pay  more attention to having an insurance policy to protect our loved ones than to having a Will.
  • Everyone needs a Will but do not see the urgency to write a Will.
  • A Will can help our loved ones to have faster and easier access to our assets.
It you do not exercise your right, the law will take over and control your wealth distribution.  Life is full of uncertainties.  Spend a minute with us to help you make your wishes come true.

To plan is to be prepared.

For more information, please contact us or send in your  INQUIRY NOW
Shirvin Woo
H/P: +(6017) 702 9925
Professional Malaysia Will Writing
Associate Estate Planning Practitioner
Malaysia Wills (MW) Code: SW649
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